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Join multiple dating sites. Try one of the biggies that you see on TV, and also try a couple smaller groups that are aimed at niche groups (big beautiful women, residents of DC, or nurses).

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He looked down and admired the blank canvas of pale flesh in his lap. He raised his hand and brought it down with a delightful smack on her round ass. She screamed out, but the wetness dripping down her leg onto his told a different story.

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My boyfriend has been dropping hints for some time now about him wanting me to take him from behind with a strap on. At first it started off as a joke, then it became a bit more persistent.

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I’ve had my fair share of sex toys over the last decade or so, and I’ve become a bit of an expert on when it’s time to retire your old one and start looking to replace them with new and improved models.

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Car dies when she is in a rush to Danny’s home. She is going to be late for the family gathering. She drags Danny to help her out. As Danny troubleshoots the problem she tries to distract Danny. Subtly Danny seems to be giving in to the overtures. All the stress she had been feeling that day becomes a distant… Read more »

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Our sex advice team at Adam and Eve gathered up a group of men and told them to let us know all of those things they wish their partners would do while they were down there.

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Lots of women do crazy stuff to keep their vagina or vulva fresh. Dr. Kat gives simple tips for women to keep their vagina clean and fresh. Learn how to keep the vagina without infections. 

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With social networking sites like Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter becoming an everyday part of our lives, there are certain aspects of social networking that we need to keep in mind. Small changes or posts on these sites can sometimes do serious damage to your relationships. The experts at Adam and Eve have compiled this list of internet faux pas that… Read more »

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Mich and his girlfriend Suzzane get a day off and decide to go a nature walk. They start with lunch in a tiny town and stop at a nearby river. Suzanne gets horny. They have to head back home but not after Mich uses his 8” inch to quench Suzzane’s thirst. Listen to these two make out romantically in nature.

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Lots of women do crazy stuff to keep their vagina or vulva fresh. Dr. Kat gives simple tips for women to keep their vagina clean and fresh.

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You are probably already done with your New Year’s Resolution and very assured that this and that is what you want to do in a different way this 2012. But have you ever thought about what your partner might want you to change or do this year?

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I’m lucky enough to have a man that can turn me on without even dropping his pants. I don’t mean in a sexual way, mind you. It’s more the small things he does every so often that just makes me glad to have him around. Ladies, this is one of those internet articles that you’re going to want to drop… Read more »

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After Ashton and Demi, Kim and Kris who is next on line? Listen to the next big bet celebrity to break up. On the side questions; She thinks BJs are icky. Lulu can’t come without dirty talk and Hysterectomy hurts getting in the mood. On Holiday Toy Buyer’s Guide, Santa has Chocolate Vibe, Mood Playful Vibe and Je t’aime… Read more »

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If your sex life is getting a bit on the bland side, you’ve probably checked out various sources on ways to give it the resurrection it needs. You might have already tried a few and realized it’s not quite what you were looking for. The experts at Adam and Eve have used our team of couples to try out a… Read more »

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You are probably already done with your New Year’s Resolution and very assured that this and that is what you want to do in a different way this 2012. But have you ever thought about what your partner might want you to change or do this year?

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Have you made a New Year’s resolution to spice things up in the bedroom? While improving your sex life is a great way to get a bit closer to your partner, be careful that you don’t fall the common mistakes that women seem to find themselves in when hoping to spice up their sex lives.

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Every year, most of us choose New Year’s Eve to set out goals for ourselves for the upcoming year. Often these targets are rather general, and somewhat achievable, but other times the resolutions that we make are outright ridiculous.

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