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My Family’s Las Vegas Vacation

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My family will arrive in 4 days! I’m excited, nervous, ugh, I can’t explain the exact feeling! I just want this to be a perfect vacation for my family. My siblings and I want to give back to our parents so for almost a week, we only talked about how we wanted their vacation to be. We want to show our love for them in the most expensive way, lol. Although this would mean losing what’s inside my pocket, I would do it. This isn’t like I do everyday so I will give whatever I can with the help of my brother and sister.

So aside from going to casinos, we’re going to give our parents an All American Grand Canyon Helicopter Flight with Grand Canyon Landing & Free Limo Upgrade (Helicopter) as our Valentine’s Day gift for them. We have never seen any other couple who are as sweet as my parents. They’re very lovable and if I would have to choose another set of parents, I would rather have none if it’s not going to be them. My mom would really think we’re crazy for doing this coz this is going to be her first time riding a helicopter! They don’t know anything about our plans yet and we intend to tell it on their first night here. We are still planning for their dinner date. My siblings and I want to try the ATV off-road desert adventure but we’re still thinking about it.

I am just really excited. I can’t wait for them to see how I’m living an independent life here and how mature I’ve become.

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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