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Five Reasons Why Alcohol & Sex Don’t Mix

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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. For some of us, this means a quite dinner out with your loved one, and maybe a few drinks afterward. While it’s perfectly acceptable to drink in moderation, Adam and Eve want to remind our faithful customers that drunk sex isn’t fun sex. Here are five strong reasons to keep within the recommended guidelines for drinking this Valentine’s Day:

–          Lower inhibitions can lead to unsafe sex. Sure, we all love that relaxed buzz that we can get from having a few drinks, but it can also cloud your decision making processes. You may forget, or even make the ‘decision’ to forge the condoms and go without ‘just this once’. What you need to remember is that it only takes one time to transmit that disease or conceive an unplanned pregnancy.

sex and alcohol

sex and alcohol


–          Junior might not want to perform. It’s not just an old wives’ tale – alcohol can lead to temporary erectile dysfunction and you won’t be able to reach your full height during intercourse. Some men may have the opposite problem and they may be able to achieve an erection, but it says around long after the act is done, and won’t drop down to its normal resting position.


–          Ladies, it won’t feel as good. Studies have shown that women with a higher blood alcohol content take longer to achieve orgasm. In addition, when they do achieve orgasm, it doesn’t last as long and it is less intense than their sober counterparts. So while you may feel less inhibitions when you have a few too  many to drink, the outcome won’t be as pleasurable.


–          Gents, it won’t feel as good, either. Just like with the ladies, a higher BAC means that testosterone production is limited, causing issues with reaching orgasm. Not only will you have trouble getting it up, you’ll soon realize that it’s going to take a lot longer for you to cum. When you do cum, it doesn’t feel as intense as it usually does.


–          Even if you have the best sex ever – will you remember it? You may have the most amazingly mind-blowing sex that has ever happened between two people. But, you’ve had so much to drink that you blacked out and can’t remember a damn thing. What’s the use of having a earth-shattering orgasm if you can’t remember it the next morning?


Remember, current recommendations suggest that a woman have only a single unit of alcohol per day, and men to have less than two per day. But, each of us metabolize alcohol in different manners, so you are the best judge as to how much is too much for you. One last thing – if you are drinking at all, don’t even think of driving. Adam and Eve want all our fans to have a safe Valentine’s Day! 

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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