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Sex and Love

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Did you ever had sex with someone you don’t love? Okay, it’s very common. Probably I’m asking the wrong question. Did you ever fall for someone whom you had sex with even for a night? Probably. Probably not. Probably it’s impossible.

I did. I fell in love to someone I had sex with for a night, then we started a relationship right after I told him about my feelings and we broke up after 3 months. I started thinking about this because of the latest call I got from my voicemail for my Confessions podcast. She fell in love for some guy whom she just met in a bar. I think this commonly happens with girls but I don’t know with guys and that’s what I want to know.

I think the problem with girls is we are very emotional that even a certain physical attachment, not even sex, takes our breath away. Even a simple brush of someone’s arms to ours makes us fall. Well, I’m just assuming. But that’s basically based on my personal experience.

But now with my current relationship, we didn’t have sex yet. And we didn’t even kiss right away but only after a few dates. I would highly suggest that girls must do the same. It could be just an infatuation at first sight. Love is a deep and sacred emotion that shouldn’t be given to those who doesn’t really deserve it. And for my current situation, I thank my boyfriend so much for the love we have for each other even if we haven’t had sex yet.

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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