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The Best Hand Job Techniques For Your Man

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Admit it! We do hand jobs for our man to make them overly satisfied.  Yet, there are far more better hand jobs than the plain “up and down” thing.  To make your hand job moments more pleasurable and enticing for you and your man, I would like to share with you awesome hand job techniques from Cosmo.

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The Best Hand Job Techniques For Your Man

The Slippery Slidey

There’s nothing worse than a dry handy, so prep with lube, lotion, or at least saliva before you begin stroking him.

The Soft Glide

No, it’s not the name of a women’s razor—it’s the best way to kick off a manual stimulation session. Slowly and lightly move your hand up and down his joystick to rev him up.

The Sexy Squeeze

Gently squeeze the base and middle of his penis in a pulsing motion, and then lightly pinch the skin on the underside of his penis.

The Sausage Wrap

To nail this classic handy technique, wrap all of your fingers around him and stroke up and down. Then try the “Reverse Sausage Wrap”: Turn your hand upside down (so your thumb is towards the base of his penis instead of the tip). It’s a totally different feeling for him.

The Bottle Cap

The tip of his penis is the most sensitive part, because that’s where his nerve endings are most concentrated. Give it special attention by twisting your hand back and forth over the tip, like you were trying to unscrew a bottle cap.

The Twist and Shout

Transition between twisting your hands as you’re gliding them along his shaft and moving straight up and down.

The G-Spot Shot

The perineum (aka the taint) is located between his scrotum and his anus—it’s where semen is produced, so it’s a very powerful hot zone. Get his male G-spot in on the hand job action by pushing up into it like a button.

More hand job techniques at!
“image is a copyrighted photo of model(s)”

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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