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Good Things About Being Single

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Good Things About Being SingleI never thought that I would be writing about this because although I have already moved on a long time ago, I still feel a bit of pain every now and then and I see nothing great about being single. Earlier, I was reading some posts from other bloggers and I’ve read a couple who are going to celebrate their Christmas sad and alone. Then I thought, I might be one of them so now I’m planning to buy tickets to go home and see my family! I realized that this is my 2nd Christmas (in case I don’t get one in less than 3 months) being single for a very long time. I am dating a new guy here in Vegas and still willing to see other guys if possible but it is still different, and I am still single. But then I thought, not every single men or women would probably be happy this Christmas but hey, we have 365 days in a year and 2012 is coming! There are a lot more things to look forward to than focus on the sadness of being alone and not committed.

1. You can focus more on the other aspects of your life. We are living not just for our partner but also for ourselves. And even if it’s hard to admit, we sometimes forget about ourselves whenever we are in a relationship. Take this opportunity to pursue your career and dreams. Like me, I moved here because I want to get a modeling job and that recent breakup helped me want it more than I could imagine.

2. You don’t have to worry so much about your looks. I’m not saying that you don’t have to pretty up yourself but what I mean is you are worry-free now from impossible diets just to look great for your partner. When we love someone, we always want to try to be the person he/she wants even if we don’t admit it.

3. You would have more time for your family and friends. Like I’ve said earlier, I’m planning to buy roundtrip tickets to see my family in GA. If I got a boyfriend here, I might not have thought about it so much. Most of the time, we would like to spend time with our partners more than with our family and friends. And like what I’ve experienced, I only knew how important my family and friends are when I went through that terrible breakup. They stayed by my side no matter what. It’s one of the great moments to appreciate their presence.

4. You can only worry more about your own drama. We tend to be moody and dramatic when we are in a relationship. Sometimes, even if everything’s okay, we really find a tiny thing and make it into a big problem. But if you’re single, you are enough for yourself to handle all your dramas, lol!

And few more things to take note, if you’re single because you just had a breakup, just move on and go on with your life. And if you’re single ever since or for any other reasons, don’t worry too much; in time he/she will come. Ugh, I’m corny!

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