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How to Successfully Flirt On the Phone

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How to Successfully Flirt On the PhoneOkay, don’t get too excited for me readers but yes, this new guy finally called me! I’m writing this now as soon as we finished talking. He explained how sorry he was because he had to spend the weekend with his family. I think he’s really thoughtful and that’s a big turn on. Whether he’s telling the truth or not, the most important thing at the moment is he called.

I would like to share not just how I flirt over the phone but how to also do it successfully. I think the three most important things you need to have when you plan to flirt with someone are: sense of humor, courage, and positive attitude. The things I’ve done were already tried and tested with other men in the past so I was so sure that it would work with this new guy.

I imagined that he was just in front of me and I let him know and feel that I was really listening to every word he was saying. Like real conversations, thinking ahead what to say next is always a plus. I don’t like any of us to feel awkward because of a long period of silence. This would probably be okay if we have known each other for long already or if we’ve been dating for quiet sometime but heck I want to make an impression. But also remember to make sense.

Don’t forget to smile. It was easy for me to do earlier because he was really making me smile. And I liked him to feel that I really was. I was even flipping my hair, biting my lips and doing some self touching while he was talking. Although he didn’t see my flirting body language, I felt good doing it.

And lastly, talk in a sexy way. You can adjust your tone so you would sound sexy over the phone. With the way he laughed and breath, I could actually feel that I gave him a boner. I could just imagine how much more once we have physical contact already. I won’t detail what we really talked about but I think he likes me too. 🙂

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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