Find out what happens when a surfer boy gets pulled over for speeding. Use offer code FRIDAY at for 50% off on almost ANY ITEM plus FREE SHIPPING plus a FREE GIFT. Direct Download: Episode_30.mp3
Royal wedding talk, a shrinking penis, boring sex life and anti-lube partners. Gay/Take Straight Take Toy Review: Vanity by Jopen VR9. Direct Download: Sex_Chat_Ep_33_mixdown.mp3
A fierce fight turns into a hot make-up sex session and an older sister’s friend breaks in a newbie. Don’t forget to use offer code PHONE at and you get 50% off almost ANY ITEM plus FREE SHIPPING plus a FREE GIFT. Direct Download: Confessions_Episode_12.mp3
Peter Simon introduces Brittany, who tells the story of her first encounter with older men and sexologist Dr.Kat Van Kirk talks abour her favorite sex toy from Adam and Eve. Don’t forget to use copon code PRIVATE at for 50% off plus FREE SHIPPING and a FREE GIFT. Direct Download: Private_Lives_3.mp3
Let’s hear the opinion of Dr. Kat about the newest sex comedy show ‘The Change-Up’ which stars Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman! If you have any questions about sex and relationships, don’t hesitate to call them at their 24/7 hotline (213)270 1968 or you can email Dr. Kat at [email protected]. You can also use DRKAT as offer code when you order something… Read more »