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Love Ain’t Enough

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Is love enough in a relationship? If two people do love each other, does it guarantee that they will stay together forever?

Love Ain't EnoughI was invited on a friend’s barbeque party yesterday and had a very long chat with a new friend.  Gregg, who’s in his late 40s, talks about his love life after learning that I am currently finding the right man.

“Whom do you prefer? The guy you like or the guy you love?” he said.  I was completely speechless finding the right answer for his question.  He then said, “you know what Penelope, I am married to the woman I love for 20 years but it didn’t work as we both have different preferences”.  I asked him, “Why can’t you just like each other’s preferences. After all, you both love each other”.  “Let’s just say we’re still different people and love is ain’t enough to change that.”

I was partially scared but overly inspired with Gregg’s words.  I learned that things are not that easy, some things don’t last, and everything happens for a reason. Aside from being in love, there are few important things I should consider before I enter into a serious relationship; and most likely, the lucky man should love sex toys as much as I do.

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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