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Fixing A Bad Kisser

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Guys accept the fact that some of you are bad kissers.  But don’t you worry, survey shows that 81% of women gives bad kissers a second chance. came up of their own special tips on how to fix a bad kisser and I opt to share these tips to everyone.

He Sucks Really Hard on Your Tongue

When he starts to do this, caress his cheek and gently pull your tongue away. Then say something like, “I really love it when you kiss me like this” and start again with light kisses to set the tone.

Fixing A Bad KisserHe Presses Too Hard With His Lips

Sure, a little pressure is hot sometimes, but constant force hurts. Run your fingers through his hair and pull his head back a bit so his lips are lighter on yours. Then say something like, “Mmm. I like that.”

He Makes You Do All The Work

He could just be nervous or clueless. Either way, make a game of it. Tell him where you want to be kissed and work your way up to the lips. Once he’s there, playfully ask him to mimic you and show him what you like.

He Bites

Again, there’s a time and place for it. But if your guy gets all Edward Cullen on your lips every time you kiss, it’s time for an intervention. If it hurts, you should tell him. (Try, “That hurt. Let’s try again…” and go in for another smooch.) You can also say that while you like it when he nibbles on your shoulder, you’re not that into having it done to your lips.

He Slobbers Too Much

Focus on his lips, gently sucking and kissing them—he’ll follow your lead. Too much tongue action without any lip movement can produce excess saliva. And nobody likes that.

His Tongue Doesn’t Move

There’s nothing more annoying than a man who sticks his tongue in your mouth and does…nothing. So set the pace by making the first move with your tongue and have him follow along. Eventually, he’ll get that this is what you like.

He Asks If He Can Kiss You—Every Time

Um, hello mood-killer! He’s probably just nervous or can’t read your signals yet. Tell him it’s a turn-on when he kisses you spontaneously.

He Moves Too Much

Whether it’s wiggling his head around or having a turbo-tongue, it can be distracting when your man is moving around like crazy. If he won’t keep his head still, grab it between your hands and keep it in place. If his tongue is going wild, pull back and say, “You know what I really like? A long slow kiss where our tongues move slowly against each other.” He’ll get the hint.

Read more at the Cosmo Site.
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