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Caught In The Act

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So I caught my guy watching porn. Of all people, he wasn’t the one that I was expecting to get caught. First of all, he was against my extra job before and it was just recently when we got back together that he accepted it. Even helped me with it. It was the reason why I stopped blogging for a long while. I don’t have problems with porn, in fact, I love it. Obviously. It’s just that he kept this from me and I don’t know if he’s hiding anything else from me.

I went to his apartment last night to surprise him. His roommate was outside talking to his girl and he said I could just go inside his room. And when I went in, I saw him so glued to his computer watching porn. I took off his headset and he jumped off of his seat. He was surprised and closed the door so other people won’t hear us if we argue. I looked under his bed and I saw like 20 plus porn magazines. What I don’t understand exactly is why he didn’t want me to do all these blogging and podcasting before when he was also into it? I’m not worried if he’s cheating or not. I’m just concerned that I don’t know him well enough still.

Well, I’ll continue this later or I’ll be caught in the act, myself. Back to work.

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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