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Ways To Break Up Your Boyfriend

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You want to ditch your guy but you don’t know how.  The famous website recently posted an awesome article entitled “How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend” and I’m delighted to share it with you guys.

Ways To Break Up Your Boyfriend“Breaking up isn’t easy for anyone to do (unless you’re heartless of course). Actually, I’ll retract that statement. It’s easy for you to do, but bearing the guilt that you have when you’ve got a broken-hearted ex-boyfriend can feel a little bit crummy. While you want to get out of things as quickly as possible when they aren’t headed in the right direction at all, you’ve got to at least try to leave a good name for yourself, especially if you’ve got a lot of mutual friends. It’s easy to dig yourself a hole that you can’t get out of all with a break-up. I can’t tell you exactly what to say, but do keep a few things in mind when it’s time to end it.”


You’re no better than your soon-to-be-ex if you decide that you’re going to break up with him over text or even over the phone. Unless you’re in some weird long distance relationship, do it to his face. It’s going to hurt him when you break up with him, so the least you could do is have some class and tell him personally. The text technique is extremely shallow, and word of your breakup method will certainly end up with you getting slammed by his friends.

Do it Privately

Breaking up with someone face to face is a stand-up move. But breaking up with him in front of all of your, or even worse, his, friends is simply classless. I’ve seen this happen a couple of times in my life, and it seems like the person doing the breaking up is trying to showboat or grand stand their break up to make it seem like their ex is on a lower level than them. What I’ve also seen is that people actually talk down on the one who did the dumping. There’s no need to make it public notice until the job is done.

Take Your Time

If the relationship was in good standing, and you’ve simply lost interest, make sure to block out a good several hours. He’ll obviously want to try and talk you out of it, or simply discuss why you’ve decided to end the relationship, and you at least owe him a few hours if he wants to talk about it. He’ll be out of your hair after that…hopefully.

Read full article here.
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