Welcome Me Georgia!
I couldn’t help but get excited because I’m going back to my hometown next week! I’ll be leaving on December 23rd at about 1:15 PM! I just really can’t wait, it’s all I think about every minute. I wouldn’t be staying for too long which is sad but I just don’t want to think about it. Maybe I won’t be able to blog for a few days but I don’t know.
My mom and dad will pick me up at the airport, I’ll be crying once I see them for sure. I’m gonna hug them so tight. I can’t wait to see my siblings too! I’ll do my best to spend all my time with them. I don’t know what gifts to give them yet, probably some souvenir from Vegas or what but I’ll find that out next week. I’ll do the shopping with my roommate and I can’t wait for my first pay, lol.
Now I’m trying to list the things that I should do when I get to Georgia. I don’t want to leave home but I also want to spend time with my friends. So I guess the best plan is to contact all my close friends and invite them over to our house. I’ll ask my mom to cook for us and I’ll buy lots of drinks!
Oh how I miss my mom’s cooking. She’s the best cook I’ve ever known. I once told myself that if I get to have lots of money, I want her to own a restaurant. Well, that’s not impossible. “I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad”, I’m hearing Bruno Mars in the background! 😀
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