I Made My Ex Cry
Last night, I finally told my ex boyfriend that I’m actually already dating someone else here. I lied to him about it because I was still confused about my feelings for him and part of me still wanted him. But after so much thought and contemplation, I decided that I don’t really want to go back to my old love. I was already able to move on, I already started a new life, and going back will only cause more complications. I also realized that I don’t want to be involved in a long distance relationship anymore. He is in GA and I’m here and either of us could afford going back and forth every week. Even if he told me that he wanted to move here so we could be closer again, I don’t really think that it would work.
He didn’t believe me at first when I told him the truth. He kept saying that I was probably just confused about my feelings for him but he’s still willing to wait. He said that I don’t really have any reasons to lie if I don’t feel anything for him anymore. I told him that he is right about everything he was saying but I also don’t have any reasons now why I should lie about my new date. We were crying at both ends because he used to be my very best friend, my boyfriend. We even thought that we’re meant for each other. Hurting him was one of the things I really hate because I loved him. But now, things have changed and I really believe that my decision is right.
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Yeah… Break ups are always hard. I’m still kinda astonished at my recent ex. She always had an amazing read on me… like told me things that I then realized were true after some thought grade of read on me. I need to be alone to work on myself, chessy as it sounds, and she was remarkably cool with it even though it hurt her deeply. Nothing short of amazing maturity considering her age and a big change from the crazy violent break ups I’m used to. All women are crazy but it’s a degrees sorta thing and there is now a 1 on that scale.