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Family Happiness

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Family HappinessIn exactly 10 days, my family will come and visit me. I’m very happy that nothing could really bother me to frown or get mad. There was a customer yesterday who was literally shouting at me because he was claiming he did a reservation. But apparently, we couldn’t find it in our records and so I have to suggest a different room. Then he started shouting and cursing. But because nothing could really bother me, and all I was thinking was my family’s visit, I was able to handle the situation perfectly without any help from my boss or anyone. I was able to calm her down and made her apologize.

Isn’t it great to be always in the good mood? Before I moved, I was really depressed because I thought I couldn’t really live by myself. But after knowing that they’re still going to be there regardless of the distance and the mistakes I’ve done, I knew that I would be able to live and surpass all the obstacles in my life wherever my feet put me.

This certain kind of happiness may not be forever because my family’s going to leave after 3 days but I’ll be forever thankful for this opportunity. I can’t thank them enough for bringing me into this world and I would fight for them no matter what. I have a great brother and a sister and I would die for them. And now, I have a very supportive boyfriend who I now consider as part of my family and they’re finally going to meet him! I haven’t told them about him yet, I’m still nervous!

I hope it’s always like this everyday.

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