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Simple Rules to Get Over a Breakup

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Sad Girl - Simple Rules to Get Over a BreakupMy ex called me today and the first things that got into my mind were: 1. He still got feelings for me and 2. He wants us to get back together. I don’t want to be hypocrite or something but of course I still care about him but it was never the same. I don’t even want to get back. He said he went to our house last week to invite me to a Halloween party. That’s how he found out that I already moved here and then my mom gave him my new number. With the way he speaks, I knew he was trying to get me back. But it’s too late, I have a new life to live now and I’m even ready to date someone else. Although our breakup was terrible and our relationship was short, I still appreciate his effort of contacting me. I think reading and learning from my past breakups helped me a lot in moving on. Here are the things I did to get over a breakup.

1. I blocked him on Facebook immediately
Blocking him on Facebook was difficult but I had to do what I needed to do. I didn’t want to see his single status and the more that I didn’t want to see his new relationship status. I even removed our photos, it was easier that un-tagging him on photos where were together.

2. I was careful about what I posted online
It’s very common in Facebook, Twitter or Messenger status that we post everything that we feel. It’s rare that I don’t see hate or already-moved-on posts of friends. Although at some point, I wanted to post like I was going out tonight so our common friends could see it, I tried my best not to. I knew that I would be fooling myself and I didn’t really want to show that I was still wrapped in that old relationship.

3. I didn’t text him
Although how much I wanted to say I missed him, I tried to stop myself because I don’t want to open my door to more communication. Changing my number and moving to this new place helped a lot too.

I can’t ignore the fact that I’m happy that he called and that we didn’t talk about our dramatic breakup. But it’s over. We could still be friends but not more than that anymore. I’m interested more with my new crush, my new guy than this old one. As they say, there’s a reason they are called EX.

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