A lot of women are looking for hot porn videos where porn star is using huge brutal dildos and it seems they are enjoying it. Have you ever wondered how they feel or do you want to try it out? If so, why don’t you try buying some? I tell you, brutal dildos are really great for multiple orgasm especially… Read more »
After having an exciting, bizzare and awkward situation of a one night stand, there are lessons learned. Your Tango named a few of these one night stand lessons from various people – in case you’ll have one tonight, you better take note 🙂 Orgasmic? Not Quite “Don’t expect the big O,” said CS, 25. People whom you’ve just started sleeping… Read more »
I have featured lots and lots of sex advice for men and women; but this one you should take into consideration. You don’t want to have lesser sex or not having at all right? So, check out the unusual things that can ruin sex life below and make your sex life better. No Sense Of Smell Scientists have discovered that… Read more »
Morning sex is the best way to break routine sex. What more can you ask for than waking up in the morning fresh and ready to have sex in the morning. Thanks to Cosmo, for sharing this awesome article about some reasons you should be having a lot more morning sex and why it’s better than routine sex. Because, seriously… Read more »
Car sex is indeed way pleasurable and adventurous than regular sex. However, there are things to consider in having sex in a car. Check them out below and experience the best yet the safest car sex ever. Leather Seats She thought rug burns were bad? Leather burns are the worst. Put a towel down. If you don’t have one, you… Read more »