You can actually have sexier sex using your iPhone. How? Checkout the following tips from The Stir on how useful iPhones can be, most especially on matters of sex. 1. Learn new positions No need to scour the sex section at your local bookstore. Snatch up an app, like Kamasutra Sex Positions, and you’ll get all sorts of interesting sex… Read more »
For a lot of people, sex is mainly for pleasure. But in reality, sex is good for you as it provides various health benefits – the best pain reliever, best cure on some ailments and can even make you feel and look younger. Hence, beyond pleasure, you have plenty of reasons to have sex. Checkout the health benefits of sex… Read more »
Want to search for sexy things online but don’t want to get caught with your pants down? Solo sex is wonderful and often we need some help to get turned on or simply know the best ways. There are words you can type on the search boxes. Savvy words that will give you your desired search results, without really typing… Read more »
Troubled with your small penis? Want to give your partner the best sex experience even if you have a cute tiny weenie down there? There are various sex positions that assures you great sexual performance, even if you have small penis. It is best that before the actual entrance, foreplay and clitoral stimulation should be done so to arouse her… Read more »