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My First Day At Work

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So far so good. I think that’s the best way to describe my first day at work. It’s my third full time job in my life and I would like to think that I’m going to stay here longer. The people at work are different than the people in my hometown in Georgia but I’m getting to like them! I haven’t seen any celebrities yet as I was staying more inside a room for orientation but I’m expecting to see one today, haha! My mom got excited when I first told her about working in this hotel and she asked me to take pictures of them. I hope I get a chance, lol.

Although I enjoyed my first day, I still can’t take off my mind how different it is working away from my family. At home, my mom prepares breakfast for me, my brother and Dad before we go to work. She calls us every now and then to check how we are doing. I had that ex too who picks me up at work. And when I get home, my mom cooks delicious food for dinner. Oh how I miss home. How could I not appreciate those simple things that my mom does for us before. I really want to go home on Christmas. I miss my family so much.

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