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People Watching At Work

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One of the greatest things about working in a major resort hotel in Las Vegas is the people watching. The funny thing is, though, the hotel I work in seems to be frequented by adult stars and producers. At least once a week I see a group of women who, to me, look like porn stars, as well as a few guys with all sorts of camera and lighting gear heading up to our rooftop rooms. I think I’ve learned more about sex toys from watching these groups go up our elevators than anything else.

Liberator Bon-Bon

Usually, the toys are hidden away in their suitcases, but every so often, the pieces they bring up are way too big to hide. After catching a glimpse of the Liberator logo on the side of a half-circle blue cushion, I hopped online (on my phone of course) and found out all about the Liberator Bon-Bon, which then made me click on and check out all the other riding toys that are around. I swear my face must have been flushed red while I was on my lunch hour checking out all these toys!! I’ve always wondered what kind of vibrators these girls use. They must know the best ones out there, given what they do for a living.

I’m not so sure I agree with all these porn movies and whatnot. I grew up in a small town, and I was pretty much living under a sexual rock until I moved to Vegas. It’s taking me a while to open up and check out new things, but this is one that I’m thinking will take me slightly longer to get used to. Although, the temptation to sneak up to the penthouse and offer them more towels or ice is starting to become quite overwhelming…

“image is a copyrighted photo of model(s)”

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

I'm Penelope and I'm living a sexy lifestyle. Help me out by buying something at and use my offer code PENELOPE to enjoy great discounts and awesome offers! :)

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