I was really busy with my family, friends, work, and shopping during the last few days of December that’s why I wasn’t able to blog a lot, check Facebook, and even tweet. I tried to spend more time with the people I love than the internet. But sometimes it feels like my life is upside down when I can’t google… Read more »
I’ve never really done any new year’s resolution for years and I’m not even sure if I’ve kept all of them. But now that I’m continuing a new life here in Vegas, I want to make resolutions as I think this will help me keep myself on the right track and this will serve as sort of self-discipline. 1. Get… Read more »
End of the Year 2010 Survey Created by stangs07 and taken 2592 times on Bzoink In 2010… Did you do something you would never do?: yes Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?: no :'( Did anyone close to you give birth?: yes, my cousin! Did anyone close to you die?: our 4 year old dog, Peewee :'( Did you… Read more »
So yes, as I expected, my ex boyfriend and I saw each other when I went back to GA last week. I knew that I would get excited about seeing him and I was right. He looked so handsome as ever! He simply look so gorgeous. There is really something in him I could not understand that has changed but… Read more »
I’m not sad at all as I thought I would be when I left Georgia but instead I’m happy. My stay there was really worth it and I really enjoyed my time with my family and friends. Our Christmas get together was the usual opening of gifts, dinner, drinks and laughters. Although I was really happy about spending my time… Read more »