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I’m Jobless No More!

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I finally got a job! It’s going to be my first job here in Vegas and I’m just so excited. My salary is just a little bit higher than my past job but I’m okay with it. It’s enough for my vanity and savings. At 25, I feel that I have to save more especially that I’m not living with my parents anymore. I’ve been a little bit of a headache to my family and I just want to make it up to them.

Nevertheless, I’m just very happy that I got the job! It’s not the kind of job I wished when I moved here but I’m just glad that I’m not part of those who were unemployed. I called my mom right away after getting out of the hotel and she got more excited! I told her that I might be seeing a lot of celebrities in that hotel, haha!

Anyway, thanks to Cosmo magazine for the tips they’ve shared when going to an interview. I haven’t read any of their mag since college because I’ve been busy with some other things. But I would like to share some of the tips that I applied during my job interview yesterday.

Don’t be late. I went there 45 minutes before my schedule. I cannot say that I’m very good with time because I’ve always been late with my past interviews back in GA, lol. But I’m glad that I’m learning to be up early here. I still sleep late though.

Turn of your cell. An unexpected call or text could disturb an interview and the recruiter might forget about hiring you. So make sure not to just put your phone on silent mode but turn it off before leaving your house!

Don’t wear jeans. I don’t really wear jeans during interviews but just to give you tip you know. 95% of recruiters expect you to wear formal during job interviews.

Don’t talk about salary. Money has always been in my mind all throughout the interview but I waited for the recruiter to bring it up.

Don’t drink coffee or water. Drink some before walking into the office. 79% of recruiters don’t like it.

Don’t badmouth your old boss. Although I hated my ex boss, I still told the recruiter how nice he was to me and to my coworkers. A little lie always works in interviews. 😀

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Penelope Pardee Guide for BEST COUPONS for Adam and Eve

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